How should Medium handle AI-generated content?

Lost Books
13 min readOct 17, 2022

Recently, Clive Thompson of Wired wrote a great piece about AI content-generation tools (like, in which he asked: — How Many Stories On Medium Have Been Written By AI?

He writes:

“Indeed, as I read Jasper’s text pouring out on my screen, it felt eerily like I was reading a random piece that had popped up in the “technology” vertical on the Medium app.”

It’s a great question that deserves, I think, open discussion amongst the Medium writer & reader community, as well as technologists more broadly on and off-platform:

Given that AI content-generation tools are exploding in popularity — and the technology is rapidly improving — how should Medium as a platform handle this content? If we wanted to measure the prevalence of AI-generated content on Medium, how would we do it in practical terms?

(Disclosure: Lost Books is one of the new breed of authors using AI, which is why we want to talk about it. We believe writers should engage with AI-content tools through experimentation, and find out what works best for them, rather than avoid them or get upset about it, because they can be incredible augments to creative work.)

