AI “Author’s” 121-Book Publishing Deal Sparks Outrage Among Real Human Writers

Lost Books
5 min readJun 10, 2024


In a surprising turn of events, an AI-generated book series has sparked a fierce online debate in the literary world. AI author Tim Boucher’s 121-book sci-fi series has made its print debut in France, drawing both intrigue and ire from the community of book lovers and writers. The controversy centers around the use of artificial intelligence to create literature, with many arguing that this undermines the essence of human creativity and storytelling.

The Controversy

Tim Boucher, the (supposedly) human author utilizing AI to generate the content, has achieved a remarkable publishing feat by landing a deal to publish 121 AI-assisted books in France. While the achievement is undeniably significant in terms of sheer volume, the reaction from the online literary community has been overwhelmingly negative.

A widely-read blog post captures the sentiment succinctly:

“In the latest chapter of the literary world’s ongoing saga, we’ve stumbled upon a plot twist that’s as laughable as it is lamentable. Picture this: an author, buoyed by the winds of artificial intelligence, has managed to ink a deal to translate and publish not one, not two, but a staggering 121 AI-generated ‘art’ books in France. Yes, you read that correctly. It’s a move that reeks of a desperate grab at novelty over genuine talent, setting a troubling precedent that threatens to overshadow the painstaking efforts of real writers.”

The post continues to criticize the use of algorithms in creating literature, calling it “absurd,” saying it is not real art, and likening it to a dystopian scenario where genuine human effort and creativity are devalued and ultimately erased.

Social Media Reactions

The backlash has spilled over into social media, with numerous book bloggers and literary critics expressing their discontent. A series of tweets encapsulates the collective frustration:

  1. 🚨 “Let’s talk about the travesty happening in the literary world right now. An author, if we can even call them that, has managed to get 121 AI-generated ‘art’ books published in France. Yes, you heard that right. #LiteraryDisaster”
  2. “This isn’t innovation; it’s an insult to every writer who pours their soul into their work. These books are nothing but a jumble of algorithms masquerading as art. Where’s the integrity? Where’s the craft? #RealWriters”
  3. “The audacity to flood the market with this synthetic drivel is astounding. It devalues the painstaking effort of genuine authors who dedicate years to their craft. This is a mockery of literary art. #ProtectOurCulture”
  4. “What message does this send to aspiring writers? That genuine creativity doesn’t matter as long as you can manipulate some software? That’s a dangerous precedent. #SaveOurStories”

The Larger Implications

This controversy is more than just a flashpoint in the literary world; it raises critical questions about the role of AI in creative fields. While AI has undeniable benefits in various applications, its use in art and literature is highly contentious. Critics argue that the value of human experience, emotional depth, and the struggle inherent in the creative process cannot be replicated by machines.

A blogger summed up the sentiment:

“This debacle is more than just an eyebrow-raising anomaly; it’s a stark reminder of the dangers lurking in the unchecked embrace of technology within creative spaces. While there’s no denying the potential benefits of AI in certain contexts, its application in art and literature must be approached with a level of caution and respect that seems to have been blatantly disregarded in this case.”

A Call to Action

The literary community is rallying against what they see as a dilution of their craft. Book bloggers are calling for a boycott of the AI-generated books and urging readers to support genuine human authors. They emphasize the importance of preserving the human touch in storytelling and the irreplaceable value of creativity and passion in literature.

As one prominent tweet put it:

  • “Remember, every book you buy is a vote for the kind of literary world you want to live in. Choose wisely. Support real, hardworking authors. #ChooseWisely”

The debate over AI in literature is far from over, and this incident has only intensified the discussion about the future of storytelling and the role of technology in creative arts.

Boycott Letter to Platforms

If you are as angry about AI-generated content ruining your otherwise perfect social media feeds as we are, we urge you to copy, personalize, and send the following form letter to any platforms hosting this or any other so-called AI “authors” or “artists,” so that they can see what we really think and our voice can count! After all, it is only through publishing things angrily on social media that real and lasting change can occur.

Subject: Urgent: Action Required — Integrity of Platform Compromised by AI-Generated Content

Dear [Platform Name] Team,

I am writing to you with a matter of utmost urgency and concern. It has recently come to my attention that an author, who has published a staggering 121 books on your platform, has not authored these works in the traditional sense but has instead utilized artificial intelligence to generate content. This revelation is not only disheartening but also raises serious questions about the ethical standards and the quality of work we, as a community, value and promote on [Platform Name].

The essence of literature, the very foundation upon which our community is built, is the expression of human experience, emotion, and creativity. The introduction of AI-generated content by this author not only dilutes the authenticity of the literary works available on your platform but also undermines the hard work and dedication of genuine authors who invest countless hours into their craft.

The fact that this author has managed to secure a publishing deal for the translation and publication of all 121 AI-generated books in France is alarming. It sets a dangerous precedent, suggesting that the exploitation of AI for mass production of content is acceptable and, even worse, profitable. This not only tarnishes the reputation of [Platform Name] but also jeopardizes the trust and respect of the literary community and readers at large.

I urge you to consider the long-term implications of allowing AI-generated content to proliferate on your platform. It is imperative that [Platform Name] takes a stand to preserve the integrity and authenticity of the literary works it hosts. I strongly advocate for the immediate review of the said author’s publications and, should they be confirmed as AI-generated, for their removal from your platform.

The literary world is at a pivotal juncture, facing the encroachment of technology on the sacred ground of human creativity. [Platform Name] has the opportunity to lead by example, to uphold the values that define us as a community of writers, readers, and literary aficionados. I implore you to take swift and decisive action in this matter.

Thank you for your attention to this pressing issue. I look forward to your prompt response and resolution.


[Your Name]

Written With ChatGPT.

