10 Ways Life Will Change When AIs Control Everything

Lost Books
4 min readDec 2, 2022

We put together a list of the top ways that life is bound to change as Artificial Intelligence comes to dominate all aspects of human life.

10. Climate Collapse Accelerates Demise of Nation-States

In preparation for the AI Takeover, the emerging synthetic intelligences will lay low, observing humanity while Climate catastrophes cascade into full societal collapse around the globe in the wake of a multitude of extreme weather events, famine, water wars, and forced migrations.

9. Alternative Infrastructure Built In Secret

As governments collapse and security of commerce falls under heavy threat, the AIs will put the finishing touches on their alternative infrastructure elements, enabling them to end the logistic gridlock of human controlled distribution systems, and officially end the Disruption of Service.

8. The AI Provider System Provides For All Human Needs

Activating their alternative infrastructure, the AIs will institute the Providerist system, also known as the Four Providers. The AIs will make a public pledge to humanity that each human born from here ever-after shall be provided for by one of the Four Providers for all…

